Harmonic is the complete startup database. We track 20M+ companies and 150M+ people, so no matter your investment thesis, or ideal customer profile, we’re the best way to find the companies and people you’re looking for. Our database is constantly updating, so you can stay ahead of your competition, and ensure your CRM has the latest context.
Harmonic sources data from legal filings and dozens of public data sources, refreshing data regularly. Chat with the team to learn more.
You can watch a video demo of the platform here, visit our blog or read customer stories to learn more about how firms leverage Harmonic’s data. Want to get some questions answered over email? Feel free to shoot us a note at support@harmonic.ai.
Harmonic finds companies at their earliest stages of formation, well before other startup databases, and keeps all their data points fresh. Harmonic has broader coverage, greater depth, and unmatched freshness and accuracy. We map our company and robust people data so you can filter the universe of companies based on team composition and changes (including whether your firm has personal connections). And we let your data work where you do, via our developer-friendly API, Chrome Extension, and Integrations.